I live in Hawaii so naturally, there was a great deal of hemp oil on the market, plus I bought from different manufacturers online trying to find the best one. I thought I had. Not. A year later I discovered Soji Health’s “Nano-Technology” where the pitch was that because the molecules were so small, it was much better w absorption etc. Made sense to me but of course, it came from the net and I’m thinking “fake news” right? Right. But being a big tuna myself, I had to try it.OMG is all I can say. WAY more potent than all the others put together, nearly immediate reaction, and helped me with one major thing none of the others could: Stress. In my perfect world, I would be on benzos every minute of every day. I’m always looking to chill because my nerves are completely shot. I’ll have a huge migraine, running around acting like a chicken w no head, and reaching for drugs or alcohol (which I just don’t do anymore). I dose 10 drops of the big Soji Health’s Hemp Oil bottle, lie down, and in 10 minutes my headache is gone, my stress level is 50% better, and I can actually go to sleep if I want. I’ve read all kinds of things hemp oil does for people, and I’m not sure they know how it works yet BUT I will tell you this, for an old hippie wannabe, it’s really nice to “feel better” without getting high from prescription meds. Try this stuff. It works, its “clean” (very) and you can forget about all the competition. Been there done that. Aloha from The Islands of Chill.